That stereotypes are usually wrong, many people can prove easily by themselves. If they can think of any kind of stereotype in mind and compare what it says about certain people and oppose to that image the actual attitude or appearance of those people in real life, then they will see that not only has their mental conception been wrong all along, but also that it is unfair and often crude. This idea is what impressed me the most when I demanded a workplace injury claim last week.

For reasons I will not belabor on here, my employer hired a bungler to work. It would not have mattered so much if the nature of our job was merely a desk one or a classroom based one. It is, however, a dangerous one, for we work at a construction site. My job specifically is to oversee the logistics of the materials we use in building, such as whether or not the cement is mixed properly and on time and whether or not the equipment we are using can still bear the brunt of the tasks we use them for. Now, this bungler that my employer hired was in charge of transferring different construction materials and, naturally enough, was placed under my authority. The problem began when I ordered him to carry some sacks of gravel to the other side of the room. Assuming that he already knew how to convey heavy materials properly, and because my employer did not inform me that this man was as yet untrained to do such a job, I did not pay him much attention. I should have known better, for he lifted the sack carelessly and ended up releasing all of its contents down crashing on me.

Since I incurred serious bruises and a sprained ankle from this horrible accident, I immediately called up a workplace injury claim lawyer and filed a case. And in doing so, a realization dawned upon me. My lawyer, and as I further on came to know, other lawyers too, are actually nice. They are not at all what I expected them to be. The stereotype that dominated my mind, and I think the public mind as well, was that lawyers were avaricious, deceitful egoists. Nothing could be more wrong, or at least according to my experience. They are actually childlike and sincere people who can commiserate with the pain and suffering that their clients feel. All in all, my claim ended well because my employer decided to settle it out of court. I am all right now, and perhaps what expedited my recovery the most was that the bungler who injured me was fired the day after his injurious, stupid mistake.

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