Many lawyers underestimate the role of willpower in winning No Win No Fee claims. These laborers of disputation rely too much on abstruse theories and principles, forgetting that these principles and theories do not work absolutely. Yes, unlike natural law, the claiming process will only work with active and positive human intervention. Without human minds to think about them and human bodies to act on them, the rules of jurisprudence would cease not just to work, but to exist altogether.

The confusion, in other words, is engendered by thinking that jurisprudence is like the natural sciences. It comes about when we think that it has rules which can be reduced to definite, abstract laws, applicable everywhere and every time, just like the laws of gravity and of thermodynamics. But this is incorrect. For the science of jurisprudence, assuming it to be a science at all, has for its subjects of inquiry human beings, beings who possess properties which no one has yet been able to explain fully. What philosophers and metaphysicians inform us about human nature can be condensed into one line: so long as human beings have free will, they will forever resist compartmentalization. In other words, human nature is impossible to define with scientific precision. To make it as the basis of any science therefore, will only end in futile speculation.

Thus, jurisprudence is an open game. Claiming No Win No Fee lawsuits being a part of this department, shrewdness will have its respective effects when applied properly to it. As filing lawsuits leave much space for human ingenuity, as it is not a closed system trapped by walls of irrefutable and really scientific theorems, strategizing and planning well will reward claimants.

And so will the belief in one’s inevitable victory. Willpower and self-confidence, in short, have many roles to play in winning claims. In fact, I have seen in the past claimants whose claims were not as meritorious as they insisted but nevertheless won their cases out of sheer persistence. On the other hand, I have also seen claimants with Goliaths of a case, virtually impossible to lose, but nevertheless did lose, because the gargantuan merits of their claims were presented with the puny and nervous personalities of their claimants.

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